
Dreams: a travel blog

June 13, 2015


Dreams are stubborn. Once they have nested in your thoughts, they don’t want to leave. Dreams are magical too: slowly taking over your mind. In fact dreams are thoughts or feelings that you want to convert into reality, but at the same time dreams are vague. An idea; elusive, without form, but also no time, no money, no idea how.
Some moments life seems so simple.
On a boat in Egypt overlooking an incredible blue sea, I told an Egyptian about one of my dreams. He was not able to read or write, but he was very good at asking wise, intelligent questions: ‘What are you waiting for?’
Well, what am I waiting for?
Do I wait until reality suddenly, miraculously adapts to my dream? Does my mind make up arguments why this is not the right time? Does it matter that there is probably no one waiting for my new idea? After all,I do it mainly for myself.

As I previously wrote in a blog: ‘I am a dreamer. A dreamer who takes steps to make her dreams come true’. That’s why I have a wish list. Reading this list regularly makes me set goals. It ensures that I’ll be in action. After all, you can not fulfill your dreams by dreaming. You fulfill your dreams by doing. I did this, for example, with my dream to write a children’s book. I started writing and did not stop until there was a story. Last year I published my 12th book.
Taking action converts a dream from something vague and elusive into a real project. And a project is achievable. It consists of steps you take one by one. Tasks you cross off your list one by one.

Dreams 2
Today I crossed off the last task on my to-do list. That means again a dream is about to become reality. My brand new, English travel blog is online now: www.sunnyexplores.com!


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